Sunday, November 14, 2010

is my life a racemic mixture?

Well, as you can probably tell, I have an organic chemistry exam in the morning. It is just so much fun, except not at all. This class is killing me, it is so time consuming, and I work so hard, and yet my grade does not reflect that. 

a racemic mixture is a mixture of the (+) and (-) enantiomers of a chiral substance.
i realize that is definitely something hard to comprehend, trust me, it's hard to me as well. 

Can this be applied in real life though? 

If my life is a racemic mixture there will be an equal amount of positive and negative ideas, experiences, and moments. If that is the case why can I only focus on the negative enantiomers of life?

enantiomers of chiral substances are mirror images of each other, like hands. but anyone can take an enantiomer and make it a diastereomer. A diastereomer are non mirror images. You can make an enantiomer into a diastereomer by switching a wedge or a dash into the opposite. I realize that pictures would make this exponentially easier to explain, but just try and imagine. imagine taking something that is sticking out at you and make it stick the other way. that is switching a wedge to a dash and vice versa. 
The top OH is on a wedge, and the side OH substituent is a dash, one goes forward and the other back...

now that it may be a little clearer as to the terminology I can get back to the point of the blog. can my enantiomers of life be changed to diastereomers? and if so, will that take the (-) enantiomers (the negative thoughts and experiences) and make them positive? There is something in organic chemistry called optical rotation, and a positive enantiomer has a the same optical rotation as a negative enantiomer except one value is positive and the other is negative. If life is the optical rotation, does that mean we see the same thing in a positive and negative experience but on complete opposite sides of the spectrum? I see that all of these ideas are so far fetched but I guess that is what happens when you are locked in the library for hours studying organic chemistry. 

if i was applying these ideas to my life, it means that i can change my negative experiences to positive ones by altering one small thing. I can see this being directly applied to my life. It seems that many of the relationships i have been in that were so positive would change to be so negative when one thing was said or done by either party. my relationships have been diastereomers ! crazy thought. 

Back to the racemic mixture aspect of my life. I see so many negative enantiomers that I am not giving myself the chance to see the optical rotation of the positive enantiomers. I believe that there are equal if not more positive enantiomers to each and every persons life, but it is just a matter of setting up the apparatus and seeing the optical rotation of them. 

namaste, and hoping for an A!

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